Tarot Reading for the New Year

Tarot for 2015

Tarot of Transformation spread for 2015

Last night, after reading in My View from Heaven that we all have spirit guides around us all the time, I took a break to use the Tarot in a layout for advice on my New Year. I was actually sensing very strong support from my spirit guides and wanted to harness that enhanced energy. (I do NOT normally feel that guiding energy at all.)

2015 presumably will bring grief with the death of my father; stress from settling his estate; and then the grief, stress and joy of moving back home. (Much as I WANT to return to my husband, that means I will lose my siblings again. Bummer.) I need all the advance notice and advice I can get on 2015! I am not good at “hearing” what my guides try to tell me; I get the message better through dreams, Tarot, and astrology.

I used the Tarot of Transformation, which my sister gave me for my 60th birthday. 2015 is bound to be one of the most transformative times of my life. I used my favorite, astrological layout. I dealt one card for each astrological house, reflecting twelve aspects of life.

(Disclaimer here: I took up dream interpretation a year and a half ago. Dream symbols were and are so ambiguous, weird, and confusing for me that I soon took up the Tarot, as cheat sheets for symbols and their explanations. The cards are also amazingly astute at helping clarify dream themes. So I am pretty new to all this symbolic thinking; do not think I really know what I’m talking about. Yet!)

Anyway, the Tarot cards reflected both my astrological information and the twelve archetypes I selected to best represent me, according to Caroline Myss’s Sacred Contracts, on archetypes. I expected overlap, but the matches still astounded me. I am always SO impressed by how different intuitively-powered tools relay the same messages. That can NOT be coincidental!

The hardest-hitting aspect was receiving multiple references to issues with transitioning home. My husband and I have been discussing how our lives have become separated, and how we will have to renegotiate schedules and spaces when I return home. We’ve been talking about it regularly. I have had several dreams about it over the past year. (They assure me that our relationship will come out stronger than ever—eventually.) On my natal astrological chart, my planet of transformation, Pluto, is in my House of Marriage. So I get it; it’s going to be rough for a while.

BUT the Tarot card in that House of Marriage (4 of Disks (Pentacles), Manifesting Home) made me realize that it is going to be more of a struggle than I thought. And a few other cards reinforced the message, as did earlier dreams. Not only do David and I have to juggle and balance our daily activities, but I will have to assertively maintain my focus on inner and spiritual growth, rather than backslide into who/what I was before I left.

That will be hard for me; I really appreciate expedience and really dread confrontation, no matter how diplomatic and gentle. I expect David will be surprised, taken aback at first. However, I also think he will be delighted after he adjusts. I have been leaving all the work to him for a long time. He’ll appreciate having a partner instead of a dependent.

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