Souls at School on Earth

I continue to read avidly MY VIEW FROM HEAVEN, A Boy’s Story of His Journey to Heaven and the Purpose of Life on Earth. According to J.T. Baptista, we all create what Caroline Myss calls “Sacred Contracts,” to outline the lessons we want to learn in this life. We work with other soul-buddies to plan who will help whom learn what. During each life, we strive to expand our experiences and perspectives, to further evolve our soul. We also specifically set up when and how we are going to die, and who is going to be involved (or not).

Apparently, many people (souls) living on Earth now have chosen to die long, slow deaths so that they can experience the breakdown of the body. (Woo hoo–a new and different dying experience! How cool is that!?!) My father is apparently one of these. So, now, maybe I better understand why he is lingering. His body and mind are not enjoying the experience, but his soul appreciates the exotic lesson.

Well, since I am sharing his experience, I must also have agreed to the process. I have lessons to learn, too, by it. Hmm. What could they be? Several ideas came to mind:

  • Developing patience?
  • Finding compassion beyond pity?
  • Bonding with my father and brothers after 35 years away?
  • Bonding tightly with my spiritually-oriented sister/mentor?
  • Indulging in my own inner exploration and spiritual growth?
  • Getting over myself to some (small) extent?
  • Learning to lean on others and receive support graciously?
  • Growing my sense of competence, confidence, and independence?
  • Learning by observation about disintegration of the body?

My extended time away from my husband also allows HIM extra opportunity to develop himself. He retired a year before I did and is reveling in his new-found freedom. He took his old skill-set and is enjoying applying it in a whole new slice of society. He has been remodeling parts of our house and starting a peonies garden. He is blooming, himself!


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