Purpose of (My) Life

P1010064 - Version 2I’ve been listening to Eckhart Tolle’s 2005 audiobook of A New Earth. This morning, he discussed one’s inner and outer purpose in life. Westerners usually focus on the outer purpose, such as how to save the world or what will I be when I grow up. Tolle avers that the inner purpose of life is far more important. If we honor the inner purpose, the outer purpose will be clearer and we will succeed at it, because the Universe will support us while we are energetically aligned with it.

The inner purpose for everyone is to raise our consciousness of being interconnected (increase our awareness, understanding, and compassion toward each other and our environment) and work with others to create a more loving and joyful New Earth. To do that we must focus on the Greater Good and be wary of our ego sneaking into our efforts and promoting our own good instead.

Dalai Lama on Meaning of Life

Wall hanging I sometimes use for meditation preparation.

Later on, I unpacked my meditation aids and came across a wall-hanging with a quote from the Dalai Lama: “If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.”

I got curious. What was it that my numerology books said is MY purpose in life? For the past month, on and off, I’ve been working with and comparing Glynis McCants’s 2005 Glynis Has Your Number and Mary Greer’s 2011 Who Are You in the Tarot?, the “textbook” for my planned numerology course. Today I remembered and retrieved Sue Frederick’s 2009 I See Your Dream Job, which was my first exposure to numerology.

For the first time, I sat down with all three books and compared their comments about just me. They have such different approaches! The numbers derivation is the same. However, I thought the varied focus might affect the interpretations.  Nope.

3 numerology books

My three numerology books.

For those of you familiar with numerology, there are 9 general life or soul paths. I am a 9, both from my birth date and my birth name. The three authors all agree that my life purpose involves humanitarian service. They all advise me to work through my childhood unhappiness, which taught me compassion; learn to love myself; and extend compassion to others who similarly need to heal, showing/teaching them how to love and heal themselves.

I guess that’s why I feel compelled to lead dream groups and instruct numerology, even though I am such a neophyte myself. Numerology is the easiest of the intuitive studies I’ve looked at. Numerology is the simplest, most straight-forward approach, yielding an overview of one’s inner orientation with a simple “cookbook” or “follow the numbers” process. I am still amazed by how the results resonate in my mind as well as my body. There is Truth here!

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