My First Numerology Project

Caritas friends

The Caritas contingent at my Dad’s Celebration of Life on March 8th. From the left, my sister Kathy, Rosemary our dream group facilitator, Gloria who started and runs The Caritas Center, and me.

On Monday, May 11th, my sister Kathy’s boss and our friend, Gloria, emailed me. The board of directors had decided to delete the word “Spiritist” from The Caritas Center’s full name. Gloria wanted me to do a numerological study of the name change.

Starting numerology books.

I started with the two books I already had.

PANIC first! Then I resolved to get to work. How better to learn more AND something useful from my newest study? There was no date to work with, only the letters of the current and proposed names.

I used Glynis McCants’s 2005 Glynis Has Your Number and Mary Greer’s 2011 Who Are You in the Tarot?.

The SOUL Number for both versions of Caritas’s name was 8, so the underlying purpose and motivations would be consistent before and after the name change. Gloria’s own first, given name is also an 8, reflecting her “Conscious Self” (Mary Greer).

The public, perceived PERSONALITY Number would change, though, from 3 to 8.

All those 8s are a great sign for a successful Caritas, since 8 is associated with ambition, ability, strength and stamina developing into a publicly recognized authority. Eights take responsibility, work hard and long, and often have a gift for seeing the truth. All that promotes expansion of the business (and the mind, I think in this case) and growing influence. It is a powerful number.

The DESTINY Number would change from 2 to 7. The newer Destiny Number matches Caritas’s “Conscious Self” Number (Mary Greer). The 7 reflects a focus on introspection, soul searching to find and live by inner truth. Also, it reflects a search for other people looking for higher consciousness. This is definitely Caritas!

The 2 and 3 that will be lessened areas will NOT be forgotten! Gloria’s full birth name is an 11, which reduces to a glorified-2, pun intended since it is so appropriate. Her everyday-name is a 3. Two is the peacemaker and natural social worker so good at healing hard feelings/thoughts. Three is the great communicator, fun, good listener with helpful advice.

I confess to being a little shook up at the first results. My favorite parts of Caritas include the “warm fuzzies” of the 2 and 3. The 8 sounds so professional (and therefore potentially TOO organized and efficient for MY comfort). But Caritas is Gloria, with her glorified 2 and 3, so no worries about stark steel décor taking over soon.

2 Idiots Guides

These are the two books I found at Barnes & Noble, to confirm my preliminary results.

I was not comfortable with my preliminary analysis—too few references for me. So after meeting my son, Devin, for lunch, I stopped by Barnes & Noble and picked up two more books: The Complete Idiot’s Guide, Numerology Workbook, by Patricia Kirkman and Katherine A. Gleason, 2009, and the Idiot’s Guide, As Easy As It Gets! Numerology, by Jean Simpson, 2013.

Best book

Numerology & the Divine Triangle provided the longest descriptors for each number, plus provided more power numbers. Gloria’s first and last names were each 33.

Then, waiting in my mailbox at home, was a gift from my sister, Kathy, Numerology and the Divine Triangle, by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker, 1979. This book is awesome, and I hope to actually read it one of these days!  I just looked up their explanations for the Soul, Personality, and Destiny Numbers. They confirmed and elaborated on what I already had.

This project took several hours over two intense days. I was terrified to submit my report to Gloria, because I am such a neophyte and see myself as a wannabe intuitive. However, I have to start somewhere, sometime, and numerology is not as complex as astrology. I don’t need to be an expert before getting something out of it. I am very grateful to Gloria for giving me her assignment and the opportunity to apply one of my studies on a practical project.

P.S. The next day I received enthusiastic thanks from Gloria, Kathy, and Anand (astrologer).   That doesn’t make me a numerologist, but it does give my ego a little thrill!  Woo hoo!


4 thoughts on “My First Numerology Project

  1. Inspiration already Mom! Makes me curious about numerology – what is it all about? 🙂 keep up the good work!

    • Numerology is a short and sweet “thumbnail sketch” of a person’s (or business’s) purpose and persona. Some numerologists have added specialties. For example, Sue Frederick tied career tracks to the numbers. I worked up your numbers when I bought the book in 2009. You are a 1 (like all your uncles): creative, self-aware, strong will-power, independent, with unique vision. Sue Frederick also tied in astrological sun signs. A 1Cancer will slowly emerge from shell to become an inspirational civic leader (such as being the (improving) president of your struggling HOA before you were 30!) Sue’s got your number! Her advice for your career is to teach leadership.

  2. I’m loving that “Numerology and the Divine Triangle” myself! Lovely insights that really hit home. I DO hope you find a way for us remotes to tune into your class when you teach it. You have a ready-made group of students in Colorado!

    • Oh Kathy, I realized that I canNOT Skype the class with you guys unless you are OLLI members, and since you all live in Colorado OLLI membership would be a stretch. We can try it on our own; my Colorado buddies can be guinea pigs for me to practice with. (You’ll have to provide your own wine, though. LOL.)

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