Hmm, How to Title This Blog?

I have been stressing over the title and domain name for this blog for weeks. It will be about two different but coincident storylines of my current life: caring for my father who’s dying slowly and studying my radically new direction of inner exploration/development. The title issue tells me that I am not ready to officially launch the blog. I do not have the focus properly identified, despite daily thought and copious word lists.

Well, I may have found my missing link: MY VIEW FROM HEAVEN, A Boy’s Story of His Journey to Heaven and the Purpose of Life on Earth, hot off the press, by medium Sarina Baptista, as told to her by her son J.T. Baptista, who died of the flu in 2007. This book better connects my thoughts between grief and growth.

J.T. discusses the death process at the end of a soul’s course of study on Earth. Souls on the Other Side have a different and nonjudgmental perspective of how humans learn our lessons. They design and anticipate the lessons and get very excited about all the joys of being in a physical carnation.

My View from Heaven

My View from Heaven, a Boy’s Story of His Journey to Heaven & the Purpose of Life on Earth

That joy is what I need to add to my blog. 2015 is going to be particularly challenging for me, and I need to remember to look for the joy and beauty all around me. I don’t want to get sucked into catastrophising.

(WOW!! I have now ordered 16 copies of this for my spiritually-minded friends who believe in reincarnation. And I haven’t even finished it yet! It is reassuringly in accord with A Course in Miracles, which is my spiritual baseline.)

My father, however, is not a Believer. He assumes that when his body dies, he will just cease to exist. He sees no reason to have any memorial celebration, since he’ll be over and done. (He is self-effacing to a fault.) My siblings and I have dithered about what to do. We’ve been mourning for years already and may not really need the closure for ourselves.

Well! After reading J.T.’s description of how souls recently freed from their bodies tend to hang around, trying to offer solace and support to their bereaved loved ones, I emailed my family and told them we MUST do a celebration of life for Dad. That way, he can see at last how much and how many people appreciated him. He doesn’t accept any attempts at validation while he’s alive, so maybe we can communicate more effectively afterwards.



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