Ecstasy is Writing Blog Posts

My work station for blog.

This is my blogging area in the family room. My neighbor’s birch and spruce forest yard is out the window. I have a big table and a few little ones over which I spread books, notebooks, and computer. (Life is tough, eh? LOL.)

True confessions: I very seldom write posts on the day they refer to, although I write faithfully in my journal EVERY day.

Every day is packed with activity. When I find extra time, I have a long list of things I should do and another long list of things I want to do. This blog is one of my top priorities. It is my self-appointed JOB. I want and psychologically need to write this. It helps keep me accountable to my goal of inner growth and developing intuition. Am I on task, on path?

However, there is so much to be done (wail)!  Writing a blog post takes me an hour or two, and then I want to find or take an illustrative photograph to break up the page of blathering. (Believe it or not, I also shorten up the text quite a bit before I post it.) So writing a post requires more time that I generally have available.

Sometimes, though, I drop all the should-do tasks and indulge in fulfilling tasks, such as reporting on something particularly important to me, hoping some of you might also find it interesting.

Today (Saturday) I splurged and wrote TWO posts, for this past Monday and Tuesday, woo hoo. Where is the champagne?

Monday’s post celebrated a big step toward becoming a tai chi instructor, which is one of my concrete goals. Tai chi is a moving meditation, helping me get past my intellectual orientation. After eleven years of practice, tai chi is also something that I know enough about to share with others, which will help me learn more about it.

Tuesday’s post helped me think through my ego’s fears about getting out of my comfort zone and publicly committing to pursuing and sharing intuitive studies with others. I have SO enjoyed learning about my inner child and higher self. That FEELS really important to me, and I want to help other people explore their inner self and purpose in life, too.

Maybe this blogging WILL finally become a regular part of my still-developing Fairbanks schedule. I feel like I just need to get going, to overcome the inertia of busyness.  I want to put my time where my mind is.

2 thoughts on “Ecstasy is Writing Blog Posts

    • It IS a lovely and functional space. I love it! But I always have stacks of clutter to juggle as I switch projects, which gets confusing. I don’t have it organized yet. I must also say that my million-dollar chair is worth every penny! I spend a lot of time here.

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