Dreams Galore

Typically, I have had one dream every morning since I returned to Fairbanks, and they have been piling up in my to-do box. Last night I had resolved to work one dream every day—cutting back on Facebook to make time. This past week has been so busy, however, that I have had little sleep and no dreams since Monday morning.

This morning I slept in and awoke with THREE dreams to write down! Fortunately, I had no plans for David’s only free day, and he just wanted to work in the garden then run. Coo! I was able to indulge in deferred dream work.

The Complete Dream Book.

One of my favorite dream interpretation books, Gillian Holloway presents a more generalized and statistically-based analysis of common dream THEMES.

With all my dream symbol dictionaries now unpacked, I was able to review about personal disaster dreams in The Complete Dream Book, by Gillian Holloway, 2006. I have had three dreams about technology and/or performance problems, which are quite common—but not for me!

I remembered that Holloway discussed such dreams and had an unexpectedly optimistic view of them.

In an apt metaphor on page 17 she compared these dreams to a “barometer of internal pressure,” often dreamed by overachievers. (I LIKE that explanation!) Disastrous performance dreams can present “worst-case scenarios” to psyche up and prepare for. OR (there is always an “or”) they can signal a feeling of disconnection with an important group of people—which is probably the case in my dreams, since I have not FOUND my new cohort in Fairbanks yet.

And, if I don’t get out of the house for more than tai chi and shopping, I never will find my soul sisters and brothers!


4 thoughts on “Dreams Galore

  1. Well, you have been home now for only four weeks after all the time with Dad in Nederland, did you expect to have everything under control this soon? Getting in sync with Fairbanks seems to be coming along quite nicely for you. I was expecting a slower emergence, but you have demonstrated you can get over your inhibitions and charge ahead. It also helps that you are pursuing goals and objectives that are your priority. Go girl!

    I am sure you will have no difficulties with beginning Tai Chi instruction. I will attempt not to meddle in you methods, but you can expect comments on what my Tai Chi is doing for me. Keep an open mind and don’t be judgmental.

    I am pleased that your reentry into my life has gone as smoothly as it has. I was concerned sharing space, time, and events might hit a few potholes or speed bumps. It hasn’t. What a wonderful relationship we have built and what an exciting future we have ahead to look forward to. Happy Anniversary my true soul mate.

    Love David

    • Happy 38th Anniversary to you, too, my Love. For anniversary cards this morning, David gave me the yin/yang sign done in hearts, and I gave him two beautifully intertwined trees. As usual, we are on the same sheet of marvelous music. Ooh, it is lovely to be home again.

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