Two Walking Meditations in a Labyrinth

Fairbanks labyrinth

I raced to fetch my camera before anyone else exited the labyrinth. No time for a clever photo; David exited right after this shot. NOTE: a labyrinth has only one path; no one can get lost. Mazes have the false trails.

Who knew Fairbanks would have a nice labyrinth? It is not advertised, so I will not publicize its location. However, it is not really a secret either; so I can walk it when I like. And I like.

I first walked it 17 July 2015  for my Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival meditation class, on a lovely evening with my husband, our daughter Elizabeth, and her two friends from Denver, followed by my teacher and her friend, a labyrinth volunteer. I walked it alone yesterday, in a steady rain. The two walks were completely different, even psychologically speaking.

The first walk had a deep emotional impact on each of us. We gathered afterwards and shared our impressions. Everyone’s were different.

As the seven of us wound around the labyrinth, we met and parted with each other endlessly. Sometimes two would meet up then walk in tandem for a bit, until one had to turn a different way. Sometimes two paths only crossed momentarily. Once there were four of us lined up together at once! Other times, we were widely scattered. No pattern and all patterns.

My major AHA was that I have nothing to fear; I am surrounded by all the support I could wish! We each have our own circuitous path to follow in life. Our paths meet, crossing or overlapping periodically. We are there for each other as needed. I help them as they need; they help me as I need.

Recently, I have been feeling especially vulnerable, caring about strangers’ opinion of me to an uncharacteristic extent. Why? The people I care about still care about me and have gathered around to buoy my confidence. They are right here. All is well. I am safe. (So get over it, already, sheesh!)

As I walked back to the beginning of the labyrinth, I was overflowing with gratitude and joy. I am SO BLESSED with my family and my life!

I hope to learn from their healing support how to better support them and to more eloquently express my love and appreciation. Maybe that will also help me learn my specific purpose in life about helping an expanding circle of people.


On my second visit to the labyrinth, I “heard” that the Universe also supports me when I am alone. The path is still there unwinding before me, with markers at the turns. I can receive intuition, if I listen and watch for clues. For instance, the weeds along this path are scattered only around the outer edges; the inner journey is clearer.

As another example of Universal advice, some of the stones had been broken, and showed “fresh faces” underneath the rind of long weathering. The rocks were earthy rusty-mustard-brown on the outside and sparkling pure white on the inside. From that I “heard” that our earthly experiences only thinly cover our beautiful heavenly souls, and can be cleaned off.

Lastly, although the incessant noise of heavy traffic on wet roads surrounded the labyrinth, it was an oasis of peace and beauty. I heard the patter of rain, an opinionated raven, and a small cheerful bird in the patch of glistening green forest across the labyrinth. Once again, all is well.


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