Astrological-Spread TAROT Reading for my Birthday

61st-Birthday tarot

The 12 cards of my tarot reading, by astrological houses. I used the Tarot of Transformation. For tarot users, I will list the cards in a separate posting.

For my 61st birthday, I did one of my rare tarot readings. (One of my first posts was about another I did for New Years 2015.) I used the tarot deck my sister gave me for my birthday last year, the Tarot of Transformation.  I like to use the 12-card spread, matching one card to each of the 12 astrological “houses” (facets of life). Later, I can add comparisons with my astrological birth-chart and my top-twelve personal archetypes (Caroline Myss studies, see the Bibliography). It’s a fun way to learn something interesting and useful and feel “wow, wow, wow” for hours!

Transformation tarot

Tarot of Transformation book.

This spread was unbelievably thematic. One, I am now on the right path, but, two, I am being held back by old, ingrained fears. If I didn’t believe the Universe could communicate with me before, this spread would convince me! It whacked me right between the eyes!

I have been dealing with a Crisis of Confidence for months, posting about it a month ago. I have never enjoyed strong self-esteem, and changing my direction drastically, especially in a location that is NOT overtly supportive, is pretty scary. My husband and my tai chi buddies are wonderful, so I seldom get out of the house except for (almost daily) tai chi.

Well, this tarot spread was all about exploring my largely unconscious, background beliefs. Dredge them up, LOOK at them, and determine which ones are no longer appropriate. Realizing how what I once thought served me well is now undermining me, those old obsolete thoughts can dissolve. And, voila, I will be free to move on! Gulp, that’s easier said than done.

To develop my inner self and help others develop similarly, I must first and foremost EMBRACE the CHANGE from intellect to intuition! There is no need to hide it; I will be fine! I will be better, a lot better. And, intuitive studies sure are fun and enlightening. What’s not to like?

Other people have self-doubts, too; our social conditioning has kept us all in check our whole lives! Apparently, I am supposed to work through my issues out loud, to show others how to break through their own self-imposed limitations and grow toward their potential.  Well, this blog is definitely part of that.

Looking at my Jungian “shadows” will not be too traumatic, I think. I have been getting happier ever since high school graduation, and that was 43 years ago. My problem will be pushing past my comfort zone—I LIKE it!

One thought on “Astrological-Spread TAROT Reading for my Birthday

  1. Well DO TELL! I want to see the cards and your intrepretations. How do you do an “astrology house” spread? Does each card location refer to that aspect of your life for the year then? Sheesh, I’d MUCH rather throw one of those spreads than clean out my house!!

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