Dad’s Closet and Drawers

Today my brother Geoff is starting his “vacation” from work to help prepare for the estate sale. He is our computer resource, familiar with researching prices and selling through eBay and Craig’s List. Today, though, he is concentrating on clearing his own things out of this house. He lived here with Dad for a few years and has visited overnight weekly ever since, so some of his life is here, too.

Geoff will be up to stay tomorrow, so I have to go through Dad’s bedroom today. Dad and I were the same size. I took some clothes, belts, and souvenirs. His last pair of custom-made cowboy boots are beautiful and so HIM, even though they are probably over 40 years old. I don’t know what I will do with them, but they WILL be visible. Going through his junk drawer was interesting; what an eclectic collection! I didn’t even know what some things are! I found his list of the people he worked with at Aerojet and Sacramento County. I put those in my Dad-box, too.

Finally I left for Boulder, since tonight is astrology class. I went down early enough to stop by Pakmail to buy moving boxes and arrange for shipping my boxes and some furniture to Fairbanks. The owner will come to Dad’s next Friday to pick up my boxes—weather permitting of course. He did not sound very excited about driving all the way to Nederland, even in good weather. I had to remind myself that it was almost closing time on a gloomy gray day; neither of us was feeling chipper. I’m sure he’ll be fine when he comes. But I resolved to send him a map of the neighborhood to help him, a photo of the furniture HE will have to pack, and tallies of my accumulating boxes, so he knows I’m serious about his coming next Friday.



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