Dream of “The New Priest”

Dream symbols & tarot references.

Dream symbol references and the tarot cards and books I used for this dream.

I woke up from a mildly disturbing dream that made no sense. All I remembered is that some priest kept showing up where I did not expect him, and I was getting annoyed. As usual, I could only remember the last scene. I needed to use my dream-symbols dictionaries plus the tarot to help reveal who and what the characters represented.


In my dream, I was walking along, planning to go up, look out, and quietly cogitate, on a nice, large outdoor viewing platform with waist-high, solid wood walls. The stairs were near the far, left end. As I walked below the walls, I heard something above, and went up to investigate. The new priest was at the right end, where the wall was much higher, setting up an altar in the right corner. That space seemed indoors. He was wearing vestments. Hmm, he and his incipient service were in my way again! Is this going to be his habit?

 I approached him from behind and politely said, “Excuse me?” He turned and walked to greet me, wearing black street clothes. I asked, “Are you the new priest here?” He replied, “No. Father __?__ is very old, and not doing his job anymore, so I will be taking over and doing it for him.”


The setting was a large outdoor rectangular platform, raised for distance viewing. The outdoors, stairs, elevation, and distant view all can refer to inner, spiritual orientation. Left represents feminine energy and intuition.  The rectangular shape has four sides and is associated with strength, stability, and harmony. Walls are often self-imposed limits; these are low and wooden, a reference to natural, flexible, and calming.

“Platform” can refer to a jumping-off place, a presentation dais or stage, as well as guiding principles or program. One reference suggested platforms may represent preparation for change and/or desire to see more objectively.

Priests apparently typically represent EITHER authoritative, inhibiting traditions and prohibitions OR one’s higher, inner wisdom. What a dichotomy! Since, in this dream, I was a bit leery of this new priest, I assumed he represented socially-imposed limits. He and his altar were to the right and in an indoor space, which refers to the outer, material world.  Right refers to male energy, which is more intellectual and active in the outer world.

So I shuffled my deck of the Gilded Tarot and chose four cards to answer my questions about the dream. I read the meanings of them in the Spiritual Tarot, and have included the “Key Phrase” for each:


Who am I?                   10 of Pentacles    “Insight through Experience”

Who is the OLD priest? 9 of Pentacles     “Material fulfillment”

Who is the NEW priest? King of Wands    “Master of Creative Imagination”

Advice for Me?              8 of Pentacles     “Dedication to Service”

Oh, WOW! I felt such powerful resonating energies from each card!

Who am I? Trust that I have developed insights and wisdom and pass them on. My life revolves around family and community involvement and pursuing higher service, in search of spiritual enlightenment (and passing that on, too, I guess).

Who is the OLD priest? This card is SO my Dad! He worked long, well, and hard to become self-reliant and earn the good life. Once he had it, he just wanted to be left alone to enjoy it in peace. In many ways, I am very like my father. I think I am being advised here to push past the comfort zone.

Who is the NEW priest? Oh my! I think this is what I am supposed to become when I grow up. How intimidating! Since I was uncomfortable with this priest in the dream, I assumed he represented societal limitation. However, the King of Wands is about influential spiritual leadership. Well, I’m uncomfortable with being any type of authority all right. I love being busy on the board of directors, but I never aspired to being the CEO! I’m going to have to grow into this—probably not within the next month or so, eh?

Advice for me? Now THIS card, I can relate to! This is about pursuing spirituality in everyday activities, through discipline, mastering skills, and harnessing energies. Focus on connecting with others and contributing to society.  That is why I started this blog!



2 thoughts on “Dream of “The New Priest”

    • Oh, THANK YOU, Elizabeth! The path feels strange–WEIRD–but right. I so appreciate your complete support and validation. I’d have a hard time pursuing a new direction if my family thought I had “gone over the edge.”

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