
WELCOME to my blog!  2015 was about two parallel tracks: (1) exploring spirituality while (2a) caring for my dying father in Colorado, then (2b) returning to my husband in Alaska and integrating my new self into my old life.  2016 & 2017 found me still growing into a more internally, intuitively-focused life.  Come see whether your experiences relate to the stretching of my mind, heart, and soul.

My life is in the midst of a major series of transitions.  My children are grown and happy in their lives, hallelujah.  My husband and I are retired, hallelujah.  Life is wide open, double-hallelujah!  What will I become, now that I am growing up?

I was taking care of my aging father for six years, at first intermittently, then full-time for his last two years.  To keep my mind occupied, I followed my sister down her spiritual path and got HOOKED!  I have always been cerebral and fascinated by nature and physical sciences, but now I am captivated by intuition and creativity.  So many books, too little time, you know the rhyme!

In this blog you will find my ramblings on a smorgasbord of spiritual and/or intuitive themes I have been exploring with enthusiasm over the past several years.   Come check them out with me!

  • A Course in Miracles This book is my baseline spiritual resource. It is a self-study curriculum designed for Christians about getting beyond the ego and judgment, learning to see one’s connection with everyone and develop a more accepting, loving perspective, to see that we all are one and should help each other in order to help our selves.  What one sees in another person  is often NOT the other person’s true self but what one’s own ego is rejecting in oneself and projecting onto the other.
  • Astrology  Astrology is an astoundingly insightful system of symbols that shows the resources, challenges, and goals that one brings to this life.  Astrology is really helping me clarify my perspective on where I have come from and where I hope to go with my life. I have taken astrology classes, trying to learn to think symbolically and holistically, so I can figure out more of what the charts portray and how to fine-tune my path through my life.  It’s so strange that it’s fun.
  • Dad (early 2015) As I watched my father fade away, I tried to understand what was happening to him so I could adjust my caregiving appropriately.  I learned flexibility through frustration!  I suspect I mostly learned about what I can and cannot control and about coping with both.  He passed over to the Other Side February 12, 2015, in his sleep.
  • Dreaming  Dreams are symbolic observations and advice from the subconscious that can be incredibly insightful, IF I can just figure out what those symbols mean!  I sure am having fun with this topic, which was enhanced by belonging to a delightful dream group in Boulder.  I feel like I am making some progress with dream interpretation, which gives me hope for making sense of the other symbolic, intuitive activities like astrology, numerology, and tarot. I found a new dream group in Fairbanks after several months, hallelujah.
  • Meditation  Meditating is allegedly the strongest access to intuition, but is the hardest of all these activities for me.  Calmness is not my forte.  However, tai chi and A Course in Miracles are helpful segues, and I was mentored in an intimate meditation group, too, while living in Colorado.  I took a short class in summer 2015, which is still guiding me two years later.
  • Mother Nature  Walking in beautiful, quiet places has always been my most effective stress therapy.  I have been blessed by living near such places all my adult life.  Mother Nature provides soothing comfort, beauty, and many inspirational examples of endurance and overcoming ordeals graciously.
  • Moving Back Home  Once my Dad passed, I finally got to return home to my impatient husband, hallelujah!  However, since each of us had been Head of (different) Households for almost two years, we had to learn a new dance in our relationship, as we physically reconnected and integrated our schedules and spatial needs once again.  We both have been learning and growing in new directions–and enjoying sharing our stories regularly.  We prepared well for my “re-entry” as David terms it.  Life is great.
  • Numerology  This is my newest (starting summer 2015) addition, although my first, forgotten exposure to numerology was actually in 2009.  Numerology is a quick, follow-the-recipe-style process that provides a thumbnail sketch of one’s soul’s purpose and approach to life, and also a thumbnail sketch of one’s astrological birth chart.  It’s so quick and easy that I am using this as a springboard into learning to teach and helping others explore their own inner selves.
  • Soul School  This theme started out as a study for comforting Dad as he faced his passing.  However, I found it much more interesting than he did.  I firmly believe in an afterlife and reincarnation; Dad did not.  I am fascinated by this concept of souls evolving as they learn about themselves and love over a series of lives, each life rather like another of our years at school.
  • Tai Chi  My husband discovered Taoist Tai Chi Society in Fairbanks in 2003, and I HAD to discover what had excited him so much.  Tai chi is a moving, fluid meditation that requires and develops more mental focus than strength.  Its gentle turning and weight transfers massage the spine, and thereby the internal body.  It is energizing without being exhausting.  And I enjoy the people so much.
  • Tarot  These cards are lovely artwork packed full of symbols, which are explained in the booklet accompanying them.  I bought a set to help me learn a variety of symbols for helping me interpret dreams.  Two years later, I had four decks.  By mid-2017 I have 13 that I use.  Mostly I still use them to augment dream analysis, but I have been impressed and inspired by using them for question-and-answer divination. They work!